COUV.COM is proud to present a new video series, "Portland Light Rail: Tracking the facts". In this series, we explore the 26 year history of Portland's highly criticized light rail system
Clark County to use taxes to lobby against voters.
C-Tran snubs voters December 11 who said No to funding Light Rail and BRT in the General Election. The C-Tran Board voted to rush ahead on the CRC Light Rail Tolling project and BRT anyway.
Fiber is the colon’s toothbrush. What happens when we fail to brush our teeth? We have a buildup of unhealthy plaque, tooth decay, bad breath, and other serious issues. The same goes for our colon. If we do not consume a good quantity of high quality fiber, our digestive system ...
With the failure of C-Trans Prop 1 Washington Policy Center issued a press release yesterday that included results of a poll that was conducted recently.
As ballots continue to be counted each day from November 6 through 15, the results get posted daily normallly between 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm. To see the latest election results, See State races including governor, state assembly, state senate and state measures and Local races in Clark County.
Vancouver Mayor Leavitt, who is on both the CTRAN and the RTC boards, has often declared that light rail is required on the proposed CRC I-5 bridge replacement.
This report shows the real cost of tolls and debt for the light rail tolling project to be substantially higher than we have been told. Video clips show officials rushing ahead to incur unprecedented debt with no funds to cover that debt except more debt and escalating tolls. Forensic Accountant Tiffany Couch shows us the numbers from the CRC documents.