While I love a good marinara tomato sauce, you are in for an extra special treat by simply mixing up your standard pizza recipe with the secret ingredient of mouthwatering pesto.
This breakthrough solution was designed by two Portland Tri-Met veterans and hits a home run that gives all parties what they want and more for a tiny fraction of the failed CRC Light Rail Tolling project. The CRC bureaucracy is invited to compare this to their $160 million boondoggle too low.
During this one-on-one interview, Bill gives personal insight about his new job and himself, how he approaches decision making, and the role his family plays in supporting him.
One of my greatest pleasures in sharing the gift of health with our community is pointing individuals to local, affordable, and high quality resources for healthy eating.
One of the major goals of COUV.COM has is to keep Clark County residents informed on what is happening their community. One way to do that is the addition of a new blogs tab on COUV.COM. The blogs tab has been created starting with 10 bloggers that are very active ...