- Japan has experienced 803 earthquakes since the 9.0 magnitude hit on March 11. See an animation of the quakes at Japanquakemaps.com.
Bryan Thompson, a missionary who has lived in Japan for 19 years with his family, updated his earthquake blog on Sunday. Thompson’s niece and nephew live in Vancouver.
To read more about Thompson, check out our earlier post.
Here is his latest post:
There are times when technology can still amaze. I’ve been quite amazed a website that documents each of the 803 earthquakes that have occurred in Japan since the big one on March 11; fourteen in just the past 24 hours.
In Tokyo I’ve only felt a few of them, but I’m sure that people in the disaster areas have felt most of them, and been reminded of that day when their lives were indelibly changed.
View a map of all the earthquakes that hit the country since March 11.