In our ongoing coverage of the Bonneville Power Administration’s plan to place a new, 70-mile power line through Clark County, COUV.COM will feature a number of different perspectives of people throughout the county who stand to be impacted. Ray Richards, a tree farmer and board member of the group A ...
The C-Tran board wants to make it perfectly clear that a sales tax measure it hopes to bring to voters this November to support high capacity transit in Clark County will not be a referendum on light rail. However, unless the board comes up with a back-up funding plan, a ...
As a forensic accountant who specializes in fraud investigations, Tiffany Couch’s job is to offer a neutral eye and follow the paper trail – often to surprising results. That was certainly true this fall when Couch’s firm, Acuity Group PLLC, became the target of a lawsuit filed by Portland firm ...