One of the many concerns opponents of same-sex marriage have expressed is whether churches who choose not to perform such weddings would lose some of the protections they have now, according to an article in The Olympia Report. Dr. Joe Fuiten, senior minister of Cedar Park Church in Bothell, said ...
We had such overwhelming response to our coverage of Tiffany Couch in Olympia that we decided to post the full audio and PowerPoint versions. The original post with exclusive audio appears here: Tiffany Couch’s CRC presentation in Olympia. Below are Couch’s PowerPoint slides. To download a PDF of her entire ...
Situation: How do you know when to give your child more responsibility? Parent Talk Tip: Diane Moore says that while parents have to guard their “pack leader” status in the home, at some point it’s time to relax and go back to the drawing board. A child who has a ...
Vancouver-based forensic accountant Tiffany Couch urged members of the Washington State House Committee on Transportation in Olympia to investigate irregular financial practices associated with the $10 billion* Columbia River Crossing Light Rail project. Couch gave a 20-minute presentation to six members of the 29-person committee last week, saying that the ...
Vancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation plans to cut 17 full-time positions and 500 recreational programs in an effort to address a projected $1.2 million budget shortfall this year. Pete Mayer, director of Vancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation (VCPR), delivered the somber news Monday to a full house of spectators during a late ...
Responding to unease among Oregon lawmakers over the $10 billion* price tag of the Columbia River Crossing Light Rail project, planners have proposed spending an initial $2.45 billion to build a replacement bridge and light rail, and postpone other highway improvements until more funding is secured. The announcement came during ...
In a white paper presented to transportation officials this week, forensic accountant Tiffany Couch slammed what she calls a “severe lack of accountability, transparency, and oversight” in managing the $10 billion* Columbia River Crossing Light Rail (CRC) project. Couch, owner of Vancouver-based Acuity Group, met Thursday with the area’s political ...
The Bonneville Power Administration formally rejected a citizen-proposed route intended to place a 70-mile voltage power line as far away from populated areas of Clark County as possible. This is the latest chapter in the debate over where BPA should build a new 500-kilovolt transmission line between Castle Rock in ...
Should Congress thwart Internet piracy even if it results in censorship?
Lawmakers in Washington D.C. are facing this question as they consider two bills intended to clamp down on the piracy of copyrighted material...
It’s fitting that the Vancouver City Council held an informal town hall meeting at Clark College at Columbia Tech Center Tuesday, because the event looked more like class registration day than an official City Council meeting. But that was the goal, as the council – unable to meet at its ...