Situation: Parents communicate grace to their children when they stay in control during misbehavior. Parent Talk Tip: Diane Moore says that when kids get the wrong messages form parents it’s usually during a period of bad behavior, while the times that unconditional love and grace are shown may not be ...
Vancouver Business Journal announced finalists for their 2011 Business Growth Awards, presented by Riverview Community Bank. All finalists were chosen by a panel of experts from SCORE. The finalists will be showcased at a reception and awards ceremony on Thursday, Apr. 26, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the ...
The almost ONE BILLION DOLLAR question is: Who initiated the Columbia River Crossing, and when was light-rail included in the plans? Light-rail history from author Randal O’Toole’s book, The Best Laid Plans (pg. 151), states that Mayor Neil Goldschmidt cancelled construction of a planned freeway, then funneled the funds into ...
Secretary of State candidates Jim Kastama (D-Puyallup) and Kim Wyman (R-Olympia) faced off last night in Vancouver at a forum hosted by the Freedom Foundation and COUV.COM. The event was moderated by radio talk show host Victoria Taft of KPAM AM 860 radio. The candidates were asked a range of ...
COUV.COM is celebrating its first anniversary with the introduction of new features to the website. There is now a community calendar located via a link on the top right hand corner of each page, a new mobile site, and a way to receive an email every time a new COUV.COM ...
As the Columbia River Crossing Light Rail Tolling project (CRC) moves from its initial development stages into acquisition of permits and construction financing, public opposition to the proposed construction project shows absolutely no signs of abating. The Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC) began its Mar. 23 workshop on the ...
An observant citizen sent snapshots of the testing happening now on Hayden Island near the Jantzen Beach shopping mall in Portland, Ore. The pile test work is being conducted by Spokane firm Max J. Kuney Construction. The question arose whether there are historical, archeological and/or environmental groups on hand. ...
Situation: Parents may find that the dreams for their children are much different than in early years. Parent Talk Tip: Diane Moore says that when she first began her family she “wanted to protect them from every microbe of pain.” Because the family was affluent, her children were protected and ...
Harsh criticism of the Columbia River Crossing Light Rail Tolling project (CRC) came from residents of Portland’s northern neighborhoods during the March meeting of Oregon’s Joint Committee on Legislative Oversight on the CRC. Speakers representing the north and northeast Portland communities were unanimous in their belief that current plans of ...
Tonight at 6:30 p.m. citizens will have the third opportunity of 2012 to address city council both on the consent items and on a topic of the citizen’s choosing. According to the agenda posted on the city’s website, there will be no follow up from the C-Tran meeting that pursued ...
The next step in the process to push Portland’s light rail into Vancouver is to secure taxes to fund expenses for operation and maintenance (O&M). Unlike the cost to construct light rail – which is funneled through state and federal taxes – monies for operation and maintenance are derived from ...
MarriageTeam is a Vancouver-based nonprofit that offers couples coaching before or after the ceremony. Their goal is to “strengthen and save marriages with well trained marriage coach couples,” says founder Al Ray. Ray and his wife, Autumn, travel to Oregon, Western Washington, California and parts of Nebraska teaching workshops to ...