Listen to an audio podcast of this video here: I would like to extend a warm invitation to our friends and neighbors to participate in an informative event at Life Point Campus on Saturday, June 4 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Bridging the Gaps provides an opportunity to hear experts ...
CRESA Emergency Manager Cheryl Bledsoe stopped by COUV.COM on May 24 to talk about emergency preparedness the #140 Characters Conference Northwest, a Twitter conference she recently organized. Bledsoe suggests people have food — things that can be prepared without having a stove or microwave — and water store three days ...
Bob Augsburg, president of WAY-FM, a Christian rock radio station, and Portland operations director Mike Deckon talk about the company’s new Vancouver/Portland station.
Mel Zucker, management consultant and former director of Oregon Transportation Institute, talks about his background working with the Oregon Department of Transportation. Audio timeline: 00:00 Zucker introduces himself and his career. 00:49 Zucker talks about when Neil Goldschmidt became governor of Oregon and how it affected transportation. At the ...
State Rep. Paul Harris stopped by US Digital on April 27 to give David Madore and viewers an update on the Washington state budget situation. Madore and Harris also touch on the governors’ endorsement of the truss bridge for the CRC project* and upcoming elections. Harris was also a ...
Washougal City Council member Michael Delavar walked out of a City Council meeting on April 4 with fellow council member Jon Russell. The two walked out to prevent a vote from occurring with two other council members out due to prearranged absences.
Listen to an audio podcast of this video here: On April 25, Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire and Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber announced their plan to break ground on the Columbia River Crossing Light Rail project* in 2013. 14:00 Kitzhaber: “I appreciate very much the concerns about financing expressed by my ...
Listen to an audio podcast of this video here: One-time 3rd Congressional District candidate David Hedrick shares his perspective on being acquitted of domestic violence allegations and his story of a 2010 incident that resulted in his initial court appearance. Hedrick’s wife, Megan, sent the following e-mail to David Madore ...
David Madore interviews Chris Girard, CEO of Plaid Pantry, who funded a financial analysis of the CRC project that is commonly called The Cortright Report. Video one timeline: 00:00 Chris Girard discusses his background that includes having a degree in aerospace engineering, being in the Navy for seven years and ...
On April 7, Navy veteran Larry Patella came to US Digital for an interview with David Madore. Video one timeline: 00:00 Patella introduces himself and tells about how his 31-year career in the Navy began, his schooling, ranking progression and assignments. 08:38 Patella recounts his experience engaging the enemy on ...
On April 7, Sam Adams impersonator Tom Niewulis came to US Digital for an interview with David Madore. Video one timeline: 00:00 Niewulis (pronounced New-vall-us) explains that Samuel Adams’ character gives him the motivation behind impersonating the historical figure. Niewulis says Samuel Adams was an interesting character, a devout Christian, ...
On April 6, Washougal City Council Member Jon Russell came to US Digital for an interview with David Madore. Russell and fellow City Council Member Michael Delavar walked out of a council meeting on April 4 when a vote was held with two council members absent. Russell invites anyone to ...