The next step in the process to push Portland’s light rail into Vancouver is to secure taxes to fund expenses for operation and maintenance (O&M). Unlike the cost to construct light rail – which is funneled through state and federal taxes – monies for operation and maintenance are derived from ...
U.S. Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler went down swinging Thursday as the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee denied her attempt to make federal transit funding for major projects like the Columbia River Crossing Light Rail project contingent upon local referendums. Herrera Beutler, R-Camas, brought her amendment during debate over the American ...
The Bonneville Power Administration formally rejected a citizen-proposed route intended to place a 70-mile voltage power line as far away from populated areas of Clark County as possible. This is the latest chapter in the debate over where BPA should build a new 500-kilovolt transmission line between Castle Rock in ...
The C-Tran board wants to make it perfectly clear that a sales tax measure it hopes to bring to voters this November to support high capacity transit in Clark County will not be a referendum on light rail. However, unless the board comes up with a back-up funding plan, a ...
Three pairs of candidates vying for office in Camas fielded questions from high school students during the 11th annual Camas Youth Advisory Council candidate forum held Oct. 24 at Camas High School. Candidates included incumbent Bill Ward and challenger Neil Cahoon for the District 2 seat on CWPDC, Challenger Margaret ...
Three pairs of candidates vying for office in Camas fielded questions from high school students during the eleventh annual Camas Youth Advisory Council candidate forum held Oct. 24 at Camas High School. Candidates included incumbent Bill Ward and challenger Neil Cahoon for the District 2 seat on Camas-Washougal Port District ...
Political candidates faced some tough questions from high school students during the 11th annual Camas Youth Advisory Council candidate forum held Oct. 24 at Camas High School. A group of 11 Camas High School students who comprise the Youth Advisory Council planned and orchestrated the event. The forum featured three ...